Wound Care: Multilayer Compression Therapy

Presented by Carrie Adkins and Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board

Wound Care: Multilayer Compression Therapy

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Video Runtime: 11 Minutes

Multilayer compression therapy, also known as multicomponent compression bandaging, is an essential component for healing venous stasis ulcers. It improves venous function for ambulatory patients with venous ulcers to the lower legs.

In this training, we’ll review the equipment and procedures for Multilayer Compression Therapy. This course includes
- Video demonstrations of procedures
- Downloadable procedure guide PDFs
- Tips and best practices for performing these procedures in the home

A light or modified compression system may be used for patients with “mixed,” or venous and arterial, disease. Medicare guidelines may not consider compression wrapping a skilled need with home care patients when there is not a wound or active drainage from the lower legs. There are cases in which the entire leg is wrapped with compression wrapping, but this technique is not often utilized with home care patients.

This course was reviewed by Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, to ensure the content meets current professional guidelines and best evidence-based practices.

Meet your instructors

Carrie Adkins

Carrie is currently working as a care manager II wound care nurse for myNEXUS. At myNEXUS, she helps home health agencies with their authorizations for wound and ostomy skilled nursing visits, ensuring that patients are receiving proper and appropriate wound and ostomy care. Prior to working at myNEXUS, she had been an RN in…

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Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board

The MedBridge Clinical Procedure Manual Review Board ensures the development and maintenance of up-to-date and evidence-based clinical procedures. The review board is composed of leading nurse experts in the field: Danielle Pierotti, RN, PhD, CENP, and Margherita Labson, RN, BSN, MSHSA. The review board is involved in…

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Chapters & learning objectives


1. Introduction

This chapter includes an introduction to multilayer compression therapy, information on all of the equipment needed for patients undergoing multilayer compression therapy, and recommended infection control policies.

Procedure: Three- to Four-Layer Compression Wrap

2. Procedure: Three- to Four-Layer Compression Wrap

This chapter will provide a step-by-step procedure guide and video demonstration of wound care using a three- to four-layer compression wrap.

Procedure: Two-Layer Compression Wrap

3. Procedure: Two-Layer Compression Wrap

This chapter will provide a step-by-step procedure guide and video demonstration of wound care using a two-layer compression wrap.


4. Tips/Precautions/FAQ

This chapter provides tips and considerations for performing these skills in the home. It will also cover related procedures and frequently asked questions.

Documentation Guidelines

5. Documentation Guidelines

This chapter provides recommendations on what to note when documenting for patients receiving compression therapy.

Patient Education

6. Patient Education

This chapter provides information on what education the patient needs to support self-management of their care.


7. Conclusion

This chapter includes learning assessment questions to assess the learner's knowledge of skills covered in this course. A bibliography of referenced material is also included.